News & Promotions
Here is an update with what has been going on the past few months at our practice.
Also, follow us on Facebook for articles, fun facts, and updates about the practice.
October 2024 the American Dental Association meeting will be in New Orleans! We are looking forward to attending this national conference again this year!
Congratulations to Tyler, our new hygienist! He graduated from LMU's Hygiene program this spring. You will recognize him from when he worked at the front desk and his super smile! We are so proud of him and his accomplishments!
Dr. Cox and our assistant, Jenny attended the American Dental Association 2021 meeting in Las Vegas in October. There were lots of great classes and exhibits to see as well as a couple Vegas shows to catch!
2021 has afforded us an opportunity to put some our unused supplies to a good use at "A Place at the Table Ministries"

- Drs. Cox and Walker continue to take Continuing Education courses in a variety of subjects throughout the year on topics such as implant restorations, modern techniques and technology, and new materials. The promise of a lifetime of learning is certainly one of the many perks of dentistry!
- The 2018 American Dental Association meeting was held in Honolulu, Hawaii. We loved being able to attend this meeting and of course, enjoy some vacation time too! The exhibits and courses were full of great ideas and products to bring back home to Tennessee.
- In May, Dr. Cox and Dr. Walker attended the Tennessee Dental Association Meeting in Nashville, TN. We saw several new and exciting products at the exhibits and were able to meet up with dental friends from all over the state.
- The 2017 American Dental Association meeting was in Atlanta this year! There were lots of great exhibits, new products, and continuing education while at the meeting. Peyton Manning was the distinguished speaker so we were sure to wear our orange in support!

- In September 2016, we celebrated Brenda's retirement after 19 years of hard work as our receptionist! A big thank you to all our patients that celebrated with us and we wish Mrs. Brenda the best as she starts this new adventure!

- Fall is always a busy time for us with Continuing Education courses! These pictures are from a 3M Style Italiano Course taught by Dr. Marcos Vargas. We were the first class in the United States to receive this presentation. We were learning advanced composite resin shading techniques.

- September 2016, Drs. Cox and Walker traveled to Carlsbad, CA to attend a 2 day course on dental implants at the Zimmer Institute. We learned how to restore an edentulous mouth with fixed, non-removable restorations using dental implants and how to fabricate single implant provisionals. Our course also included a factory tour and hands-on lab so we could make the restorations as we learned.
- Our office has invested in digital radiologic technology! As of Janurary 2013, all of our radiographs will be taken using digital technology. This exciting news means many benefits for our patients. 1. Digital radiographs require much less radiation to expose which will lower lifetime exposure for our patients. In our training we were told that the amount is one tenth of the amount needed to take a film radiograph. 2. There is a much shorter wait to see if the exposure shows the needed information. This will speed up procedures like root canals and check-ups especially. 3. We are able to share with other authorized providers (by electronic means) the information on the films almost instantly. That means we can email your x-ray to a specialist if needed and with your insurance providers when required. 4. Your radiographs our now backed-up with the other data in our electronic chart so that in the event of an office tragedy (fire or flood) our data should be restorable. We weren't able to do that with the films! We know how much you all appreciate it when we invest in new technology to improve your care and experience.